Maddison's Doom

 Character Sketches:

The Story Begins

During an online class:

Teacher gets angry and the students start giggling. Maddison believed that making fun of

others was the only way to get popular in class. 

She used to do this almost every single class, as her routine. If she didn't, then she would feel incomplete.

Later at home:
Mom abruptly leaves the conversation. Roasting, Roasting & Roasting was her hobby!

At the playground:
All of them harrumph and leave the field! Lame jokes they mumbled among themselves.

Lucas & Maddison
"No point in friendship with her at all" thought Lucas as he left

At the public library:
Oliver humiliated Maddison very much! He was next level in roasting others.

The offline classes start:

After class:
It was conducted in the world's third largest desert to get rid of both Maddison and Oliver.

It was the finals with Maddison and Oliver against each other.
It just went on and on. They weren't ready to give up. Their classmates were travelling back to their school. This was never ending!
Hobbs plan had worked. Oliver and Maddison weren't seen again. It is still going on.
So if you ever travel to the world's third largest desert beware you will be able to hear them quarrelling. Legend has it that Hobbs could still hear it.


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